Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Year 6 Production

The Year 6 Production.

One of the ways that we celebrate the end of the year is to have a production and this year it is Peter Pan. Mr Cowling (Music teacher) is the play write and has adapted the script and written all of the music to make a wonderful play. In May 2015, the auditions were held, 'This is going to be a hard decision to make,' Mr Cowling said proudly. 

A couple of days after the auditions, we found out our parts. Some people were please, some people were a little bit disappointed. I was happy and proud to be given two roles, a mermaid and and Indian. If you are a bit too nervous to go on stage, Miss Gohery will choose the people that she thinks will be good back stage helpers. They will be in charge of props and making sure the stage is ready for each scene.

Currently Mr Cowling is rehearsing with everyone so that we know our parts off by heart, know where to stand and when to come on stage. We know it will be a night to remember and we are all really looking forward to it. 

The performance will be on Wednesday 1st July.   
We hope that you will be able to join us. 

Ellie. Year 6. 
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