Friday 24 May 2013


All teachers have a secret yearning to be included in our blog, and while we do mention them by name for their contribution to school life, we rarely have, so far, included their photo - something we must  address in the future!

So - to start us off- just for being fabulous - here is Miss Campbell!

Monday 20 May 2013


Years three, four and five have had a difficult week ahead of them. QCAS  are coming up but we are trying our best.We have already completed a few tests and have still have a lot more to come.The subjects of the tests are Maths, English, Reading, Grammar and Science.
By Madeline in year 4and Amelia in year 5


Year4 and year6 are doing move4words,we are doing it becuase it will help us go up in levels in subjects. It almosts make your arm fall of but it is worth it,tricky for us but the most fun becuase we are with are friends. A lady had a virous in here brain and the doctors made her a video and she was cured by move4words.              

                                 made by Madeline,Corey,Tom year 4

Friday 17 May 2013

Trip to Leagrave Library

Year 3  went to Leagrave  library.  Anna Simmons was talking to us about all the splendid books, how to search for them,what you can do with a library card  and how to use a dictionary in the library. We walked over. 3JC and 3BG went Thursday. 3OF and 3CS went on Tuesday.Anna put us in groups and she told us to find what books and to find what book the author would like.Then she gave us a challenge with some book dictonary like if you were in a libary and you were looking for a Frencessca Simon book ylook in s.It was realy exiting at the libary and we  would  love tovisit it again.

Friday 3 May 2013

Alone at Blog Club!

Deserted due to the fine weather and the draw of the field!!  My Bloggers are out enjoying the beautiful weather and hopefully thinking up many exciting topics for next weeks entries!

Miss Gohery