Monday, 19 March 2012

Swimming Gala

On the 24Th March, the swimming team will take part in the Luton Junior School Gala. We wish all the children taking part, the very best of luck.Hopefully, they will have a brilliant time competing with other schools and do their best.

Grace and Monika

Monday, 12 March 2012

Year 5 Bikeability!

On the 19Th of march 2012, the Year 5 bike ability is starting!at first they practise the cycling snake in the play ground, however, when they are ready they will have the opportunity to practice on the roads. Just so the snake wouldn't be to long, they get slit into about 6 groups. Wish them luck!
aoife xx

Monday, 5 March 2012

The Rainforest

Once again,year 6 are studying the Rainforest in creative curriculum. So far, they have learnt about the layers of the rainforest and researched different rainforests around the world.
Although it sounds a lot already,there are many more exciting activities to enjoy throughout the topic.


Visiting Dell Farm!

Over the last two weeks, the classes in yr 4 have gone to Dell Farm in the village of Whipsnade,for a residentialvisit. The children enjoyed taking part in rock climbing and caving activities, as well as meeting all the farm animals and helping to feed them each morning. On the last day, the children went out tracking animals and identifying different plants! After the disco the night before, I'm sure not many were ready to face the long walk. All had a great time and as usual, were a credit to the school!



Fairtrade Foundation is an organization that helps farmers who do not get enough payment for their products. The Fairtrade organization gives farmers a fair price for their crops etc, because without money they wouldn't be able to buy medicines or food or their children wouldn't be able to go to school. We can help farmers by buying fairtrade products, like bananas, icecream, coconuts, nuts, tea and coffee. In school, we are trying to be more fairtrade concious by encouraging each other to Buy Fairtrade!!
Monika and Aoife