Saturday 23 July 2011


Wishing all the St. Joseph's Family a well deserved, relaxing and safe Summer break! See you all in September!


Monday 18 July 2011

last 3 days of school year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

St.Joseph's now has an exciting 3 days ahead of them because the timetable has changed from our usual lessons to more fun activities. On Monday we are meeting our new teachers,on Tuesday we are watching DVDs and partying and on Wednesday we are bringing in our toys and games. And then HOLIDAYS!



Today the 18Th of July everyone except year six met their new teachers. Some were very happy with the decisions that were made and some were less sure, but I'm sure during the year they shall grow to love their teacher.
As we have all moved up one year group, we are expected to set good examples of those younger than us!! That means wearing our uniform correctly and excellent behaviour. Hope we have a good time next year/term especially year 5 who are going to be year 6 as it's their last year in St.Josephs Catholic Junior School...

Monday 11 July 2011

End of year

It is coming to the end of the year and its that time when we become a higher year in our school career !! Most of the children in year six are very excited to be moving on to high schoool!


Year 5 science day (SPLATS)

Some year 5 students made their way to Cardinal Newman to learn more about science. Most of them came back with a big smile on their faces and they had completed some scientific experiments.


Friday 8 July 2011

Chess tournement nearly over

On the 7th of July, the chess tournament to see who is in the semi-finals was held. The winners of the matches are:

Rematches of the last tournaments are to be held sometime this week {11th July.
The people playing are :
Derline v Luca
Dominic v Louis
Aran v James

We wish everyone the best luck and that they get through to the semi-finals and for those who win, well maybe they will win the finals too.

Monika and Grace

The Golden tickets

The Golden tickets are a new reward option in this school. They can get you into lunch earlier than normal and let you chill out in the library for the rest of the lunch time!!!The golden tickets are wonderful and is obviously brilliant!!!!
The children who get picked are children who help around the class and be respectful to all their class mates.They have to work hard and over their expectations to achieve this award.


sports day winners!!

Congratulations all. Unfortunately only 1 house can win, but every one's a winner at heart. The overall winner of sports day was............. BENEDICT!


After a lovely experience teaching at St.Joseph's Catholic Junior School, Mrs.Boyle is sadly retiring. She has been through many jobs in her career,but she has enjoyed her time teaching the most. Mrs.Boyle is a brilliant teacher, and has been of great support to many children, parents and teachers alike! She will be sadly missed, and we wish her well!


Year 6 production

An exciting Yr 6 production is taking place in St.Joseph's this week.The title is Marvellous Marie, about a polish lady,Marie Curie. Mr Cowling, the Year 6 staff and the Year 6 children have been working hard on rehearsals, scenery, tickets and programmes. There are 2 dates for performances, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th of July. But unfortunately families will not be able to come on Thursday, as the performance that afternoon is just for the Junior school children. Tickets are available at the front office for £2.50. Come along to see how talented we are!! You are sure to enjoy it!


The Butterflies

We have now let all the butterflies go!! Except one of the butterflies hasn't came out of their cocoon. There was loads of goo which look like blood as the butterflies emerged. All the butterflies have got the same pattern! They are really pretty!!

Imogen xx

Monday 4 July 2011

work experience coming to school

For two weeks some pupils from Cardinal Newman will be coming to our school for work experience. They will be moving around year groups and classes looking around. It doesnt mean that they will become teachers!After those two weeks other pupils will come.


Yr6 fundraiser

Our year 6s are organising a lovely fund raiser for the rest of the school,next Friday! There will stalls, sweets and lots of lovely things to do! Bring in some money and help their fundraising efforts!


Friday 1 July 2011

new pupils, new staff, new year group and new start

SCHOOLS NEARLY OUT! but next term we have new surprises. From new staff to new pupils. From one year group to another but don't forget its all going to be a new start.So good luck

Clocks in Playground

The clocks have been very helpful during our school day so we can now get to lessons on time.


Sports day !!!!!!!

On the 6Th of July 2011 it will be sports day!!! Its a time when year groups gather together to show off there skills of sports. There's awesome sports like:

3 legged race
egg & spoon race
obstacle course
relay course
80 metre
50 metre
jumping (stand and run)


New time when school ends.

Parents have always had to wait quite a while for their Junior children when they have already collected their Infant children. So, when all the junior children come back from the summer holidays, school will now end at 3:25. It usually ends at 3:35! A letter was sent out by Mrs.Lee to see what the parents think. So now the school will end at 3:25.! :)


Going to the airport

A couple of months ago, the Luton airport set a competition to design a picture to go into their multi-faith room. In 5LB, a girl called Laelite was one of the many children across the town to win. At the airport, people amalgamated the pictures together to make one final design. Children in 5LB were extremely excited as they were going to the airport, as a prize. Laelite and her class were invited to eat their lunch in the multi-faith room. At the airport, children in 5LB enjoyed there day out. Watching passengers leave in planes, Miss Binnington and her class longed to go on holiday!


The Attendance Trip

The kids in our school, who have had perfect attendance all year, are going on a special day out. It was all arranged by the family workers. Thank you to all the people like Mrs.Stevenson and Mrs.Naughton for organising this and for keeping tabs on our attendance during the year! This is a lovely trip that the children will remember for a long time.
