Saturday 19 September 2015

Joint Mission Statement and Badge

Since our amalgamation in January, St. Joseph's Primary School pupils and staff have worked hard to come up with a Mission statement that shares what our school is about, and a badge that joins us together as  one school.    After many Learning Logs tasks, meetings with pupil chaplains and school council members and much discussion, our new Mission Statement and badge were revealed just before the summer holidays.
We are all very proud of the results, and we know we will continue to move forward as one school, under this new banner.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Success at the North Zone Sports

On Tuesday, 9th June, 40 athletes, together with  5 staff members, headed off to Bramingham Primary School at the end of the school day, to represent St. Joseph's in the annual North Zone sports competition.  Competing against 7 other schools in our Zone, our sprinters, distance runners, long jumpers and shot putters represented the school in a sporting - and very successful!!- fashion.   The first 4 successful athletes in each final race have qualified to compete in the Town Sports in early July, and we are proud to say there will be 19 children from St. Joseph's participating in that event!  Very impressive!
Thank you to all the parents who transported  their children to the event, and supported them, and indeed our entire team, so sportingly and enthusiastically!
As always, thank you and congratulations to our young athletes, who were a fabulous team, supporting each other and behaving in such an exemplary way.  All the attending staff are so proud of you all! Well done!
PE Dept.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

The Year 6 Production

The Year 6 Production.

One of the ways that we celebrate the end of the year is to have a production and this year it is Peter Pan. Mr Cowling (Music teacher) is the play write and has adapted the script and written all of the music to make a wonderful play. In May 2015, the auditions were held, 'This is going to be a hard decision to make,' Mr Cowling said proudly. 

A couple of days after the auditions, we found out our parts. Some people were please, some people were a little bit disappointed. I was happy and proud to be given two roles, a mermaid and and Indian. If you are a bit too nervous to go on stage, Miss Gohery will choose the people that she thinks will be good back stage helpers. They will be in charge of props and making sure the stage is ready for each scene.

Currently Mr Cowling is rehearsing with everyone so that we know our parts off by heart, know where to stand and when to come on stage. We know it will be a night to remember and we are all really looking forward to it. 

The performance will be on Wednesday 1st July.   
We hope that you will be able to join us. 

Ellie. Year 6. 
Image result for peter pan clip art

End of SATs


SATS tests are finally over. Year 6 worked very hard and got lots of support from their teachers. Many children went to intervention groups to help them get the levels they are capable of. The tests were mostly in the morning, when year 6 felt awake and fresh.


All the teachers tried their best to help all of us through our tests. After the tests, we all had a lovely treat of juice and cookies for all our hard work, plus extra break time. This meant we got more fresh air and some time to rest.

At the end of the tests, we had a day of fun. Running around the field, playing which ever game we liked. We watched a film in the hall, played games on the field and had delicious ice pops. We had a great time and are happy that our tests are finally over.

Every teacher in Year 6 helped us throughout the year so that we always knew what our next steps were and how we could improve. Thank you! 

Angel and Tia

Cricket Club

Cricket Club.

In Year Six, I joined the cricket club. We had to have training once a week to learn the game and practise throwing and batting. Training took place on St. Joseph's school field with Mr Slough. I quickly realised I could bat better than I could bowl. So far we have only had one tournament. Sadly, as we hadn't been training together for long, we lost all our games. However we all had fun and are glad we took part.    

Michael. Year 6.                                                  

Wednesday 6 May 2015


Here at St. Joseph's, many children are encouraged to go to after school clubs,but they soon realize they don't like it,and quit. But that won't be the case when your child goes to choir,as it is fun,exciting,and endless imaginative songs,including Disney!  The Senior Choir practices every Tuesday after school and the Junior Choir meet each Thursday.

Catchy Choir Concerts                                                                                                                                                                                       

Many parents don't realize how much fun it could be for their children to sing in front of a crowd and how nice it is to hear their sweet singing voices. As well as that, in choir concerts,you may hear a song which you remember from your childhood! The teachers enjoy listening too as they remember and love the songs the choir sings!Also, sometimes they go on trips to sing with many other schools,and it's marvellous!

                                Lorcan Year 4                


Saturday 2 May 2015

Gaelic at St. Joe's

Many of the Year 10 young leaders from Cardinal Newman returned to their old Junior School on Thursday afternoon to work with  the Year 5 children - all 120 of them - on Gaelic football skills and activities.  We were very lucky that the weather was so nice, and as usual, the Young Leaders were very well organised, so a lovely afternoon was had by all.
Thank you to Miss Drewry and the Year 10s for taking the time to visit, and making the afternoon such a success.   Everyone learned some new skills and enjoyed themselves!