Monday, 17 June 2013

Vital Vauxhall

In year four we are learning about Luton and how Vauxhall made cars.So a man called Andrew who was fifty nine years old,who worked at vuaxhall at the age of eighteen.Came to talk to us about the history of vauxhall and how it became famous.Vauxhall has been through a lot of expiriences.Vauxhall was fouded by Alexander WILSON.

They have made  vauxhall army trucks to vauxhall cars.First they started from a small buisness ,until the world war when Germany came to invade Britain,people started to lose their jobs so they started to bring people from Ireland and Scotland. Also, people from America came to Luton and said that they could make vauxhall bigger by  shiping a building from America to Luton.

  Now vauxhall has turned out to be a fabulous car making factory.