Monday, 29 April 2013

Dick King-Smith

In year 3 we have been learning about the author Dick King Smith.  Some of his books are called The Fox Busters, Horse Pie, Billy the Bird, All because of Jackson and possibly his most famous, The Sheep Pig, which was made into the movie Babe. He was born on 27 March 1922 and   died on 4 January, 2011.  His first book was The Fox Busters, published in 1978.  He was a teacher and a farmer, and his favourite animals were pigs.  We have many of his books in our class and school libraries, and we recommend you choose one to read.  They are funny, sad, entertaining and enjoyable!

First Holy Communion Season

Over the next few weekends, many of the Year 3  children will be receiving  their First Holy Communion in their parishes, with their family and friends. Please keep them in your prayers as they take the next step on their Faith Journey.   We hope they all have memorable days! 

Frank Diamond's back!!

Frank came in again on Tuesday to share with us that if we donate some money for CAFOD, it really helps people in Africa. He talked about 'Faith in Action', Fairtrade and his experiences in Africa. He sang a special song called Lean On Me, telling us we depend on each other.  He gratefully collected the cheque of our combined fundraising efforts, which came to over £1000!!  Frank then met with the School councilFairtrade Reps, to answer their questions and suggest ideas to lors and the help in the future. 
Katie, Megan and Ciara. 

The Attendance Award for last half term

The three top classes for attendance  for the last half term are............. 
3rd Miss Gohery's class 3BG
2nd - Mrs Gearty's class 6MG
and in first place - Drumroll please............
   is Miss Burn's class -4AB!!
They have the Attendance trophy for the half term, and the pride in knowing that they have achieved such an award! 
Who knows which class it will be after May half term!!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Library club fun!

Every Tuesday and Thursday Mrs Murphy runs a club in the library. You can help put books on shelves, organise sections to make sure they have the correct books/authors in them, and can talk about new books that are available.    We can write book reviews, to advise others what we think.   There are so many new and exciting books available!  Come join the fun!  

Ciara and Lily
Year 3

Monday, 22 April 2013

The Easter Garden

 Since the beginning of Lent, the shed in the Prayer Garden has had a cross and things associated with the crucifixion in it. 
After Easter, we changed the  fabric colour  from purple to yellow, to show the joy of the Resurrection.   There are several items laying at the foot of the cross.    Do you know what they are?
Sinead Year 5 
Ciara Year 3

Friday, 19 April 2013

The Outdoor Classroom

This area is familiar to children on the Big Playground.  It is fenced off at the moment, but in the future we are hoping it will be put to good use, and will be developed into an Outdoor Classroom for use by all the children. 

Mrs Lee and the school council members are planning to get together to discuss the possibilities!

Watch this space!

Sinead. Year 5