Friday, 29 March 2013

Rocks and Soils

Mixing the ingredients
 In year 3  we are learning about rocks and soils.  These are the places you can find rocks - at the beach, in the playground, underground.  Lots of things are made from rocks, like glass, metal and plastics.
They tasted better than they looked!
Some Rocks are made by many different materials being stuck together - and in Year 3 we made some of these by mixing a variety of ingredients with melted chocolate to show the different rocks being stuck together.  

New blinds in year three

Returning to school after the weekend, we were surprised by the lovely, light new blinds in Year 3 and many of our classrooms, replacing the darker, broken ones.   

They block the sun we sometimes get shining in our windows, and make it easier to see the whiteboards. 

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Last Supper Picture

It is so lovely to have such creative and talented people in the school. The boys who produced this beautiful mosaic picture of the last Supper are  Ethan, Albin and Jehovahis from Year 5. We are very glad that Mrs Lee showed it in assembly. It is on display in the hall, very appropriate for Holy Week.
Well done, boys!

Megan, Ciara and Sophia
Year 3

Monday, 25 March 2013

Year 4 Movie for CAFOD

On Monday 25th March,  year 4 are having a movie but they do not know what the film is. We have to bring in 50p or more for the ticket for the movie. All of the teachers are getting some food for it. If you do not bring in your 50p you can pay for it on Tuesday. All of the money is going to cafod, were all of our fund raising has been going during Lent. We are all excited to watch the movie in year 4. We hope that all the  children will enjoy the movie and share it with you about all of it to you.
by Madeline
 year 4

Volcanoes and St Lucia


Wow! Volcanoes are blasting out lava!  In our Creative Curriculum topic on St. Lucia, we have been looking at how the island was formed, and how volcanoes work.  We even created our volcano, though we were a little disappointed that the top of the volcano wasn't blown off by a  huge explosion! 

Charlie Year 3

Friday, 22 March 2013

Miss O'Learys cake sale

The amazing fundraiser for Comic Relief took place in Miss O' Leary's classroom at 11.00 o'clock. It raised £89 for Red Nose Day. It included delicious cakes, extraordinary gingerbread men and remarkable home-made lemonade. The rest of year  5 had other activities planned in the morning apart from 5MB who did bike ability. 5LB had a mini cake sale which raised a lot of money.

Erin :) Abigail :)  and Nicole :)
Mrs Lee and us all thank you for your consideration of your monney it has made a large difference and now one more child is saved thanks to all of you.

Monday, 18 March 2013


As most of you will know year six are revising for their SATS, one of the important parts of our school. We are studying as hard as we can and hopefully it will pay off! This week we are doing our mock SATS, that help us get an idea what the real tests will be like. If we all work hard, we will be successful.

By Anthony Year 6

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Red nose day

On Friday 15th March it is Red Nose day. This is the first time we have ever participated in this event as a school, and we're very excited about it! To celebrate we are going to have non uniform and we are going to wear Red. If you do not have any thing red you can put some trousers on and you can wear your school tie and if you are a girl you can wear a red dress, red nose ball on your nose, red hair bobble, red hair band or a red top,  but you can not dye your hair red! All of us will bring in some money on the day to donate to people in need and families or people in the world.

Madeline Year 4
Nahom Year 3

Monday, 11 March 2013


In Year Five, people from Bikeability come in each year to teach them to ride on the the road safely and properly.
5LO and 5AG has completed bikeability and has received a badge. We all had so much fun and have come up with an idea to tell the school council to organise bike ability in year 6. If this is possible all year 5s (who will be in year 6 in a year)will be able to get a level 3 badge, and people that didn't go on the road this time will be able to get a level 2. All of us loved the instructors. Some of them were...

and many more


Friday, 8 March 2013

The world Book day

On the 7th of March it was World Book day so we got to do activities provided by Mrs Gearty. These are some of the activities we did - We made Mr Men characters or a Little Miss and we had to read a Mr Men book and then we had to act it out in groups. It was a great laugh.

Sinead, Katie,Ciara and Megan.

Fair Trade

Fairtrade is an organasation that helps  poor people get a fair price for there cropps. You can get lots of fairtrade products like:coffee ,tea,drinks,chocolate,
cotton clothes,honey,spices,
pineapple,and much more!

Monday, 4 March 2013


   Easter is coming up. I bet that you're all going to eat LOADS of chocolate eggs! We are really looking forward to it! I  hope you are too.  Sometimes  people get Easter eggs from the Easter bunny.

Sunday, 3 March 2013


When cycling on the road, it is very important that we are confident and know the rules of the road.  To help with this, each year we have the Bikeability team in for 2 weeks, working with Year 5, helping them to gain confidence checking and cycling their bikes, as well as teaching how to behave when cycling on the road.

On Tuesday the 26th of February the year 5s who wanted to brought in their bikes to be checked to ensure they were safe before the training started.  The team made  little repairs where possible.

We hope everyone gains loads of experience and has an enjoyable time!

LiD Assembly

           The LiD project is 'Learning in Depth, which started last year.  One or two children in each class were selected to take part, and they were assigned a topic to work on.  Through the year, they researched and presented their ideas, took part in workshops with the other participating schools and  today they had the opportunity to present their work to the school, which they did in a  brilliant assembly, with the Apples, Jewels, Islands, Bridges and Explorers groups sharing with us what they have been doing. Some very impressive work! Well done to the children working on the project, and Mrs. Massey who works with them.  

Irish dancing

Every Thursday morning Mr Conway does Irish dancing Club.
Some of the dances  are the Reel, Hopjig, light jig and the slipjig. Then there's the heavy dances that are called Heavy jig, Hormpipe and a st dance. They are all different.
We haven't gotten onto those dances in the morning club yet, but with lots of practice, who knows?
Mr Conway thinks we're doing great!

Ciara, Megan and Katie
Year 3

Friends of St. Joseph's activities

The Friends of St. Joseph work very hard all through the year, organising different activities and events for us, to raise money for the school, in fun, entertaining ways.
At the moment, they are organising the Chocoholics chocolate shop,where we are given catalogues to  buy chocolates for Easter, as well as the Mother's Day gift shop, which will be happening on Thursday and Friday, this week.
Thank you so much to all the Friends who put so much time into all this fundraising for us!

First steps to our New Website

On Monday 4th of March 2013 we are having a professional photographer coming to take loads of pictures in school.  These will be used in our new school website, which is being worked on at the moment. Hopefully, when ready, it will be more user friendly and more exciting  to look at.
With the photographer around on Monday, we are all going to look our best!!

Say Cheese!!