Monday, 16 July 2012

4 More Days!

Hooray!Only four more Days till these exciting  summer holidays.Every child has been waiting for these near holidays to come and soon after we will all be a year older and a year wiser.New happy comers and unfortunately sad leavers.Year twos to year threes,year threes to year fours,year fours to year fives,year fives to year six and sadly year six to a new school in year seven!Four Days and the fun has already started,we have made medals,took part in quizes and watched a movie just in one day!Even techers are looking forward to six weeks of this fun holiday!
Jasmine and Amelia

How to treat others.

you should always respect others all the time so they can respect you in a nice way back. smile at them and try to cheer them up always. whenever you can see someone crying or sitting alone you should always go up to them and ask what is the matter with them, try and make them laugh and see if they would like to join in your game. to treat adults (teachers) always answer them if they ask you a question and say sorry and thankyou if you said something or did something rude and sa thankyou when they done or gave you something. that would be a good way to treat others so they can treat you a good way.

By Natalie p 5MD

Leaving Blog

During my time in Blog, I have seen the good and bad sides of it. I have got to be with my year 5 teacher all the way through year 6, and made new friends from different years. I will really miss Blog in Cardinal Newman, but the memory in my heart is good enough.

Eloise x x x

New term new faces

In September there will be new faces and the old ones gone!! With a new year ahead we hope everyone will return safe and sound. Year 5's will now become the role models of St.Joes where there will be more responsibilities and challenges to face. The year 3's will become yr 4's and 4's 5's and 5's 6's and 6's more grown up ladies and gentlemen. On Thursday will be very Emotional as everyone else will be signing their school shirts. We want to wish the year 6's the very best wherever they go!! 

Rhianna and Chloe 5MD

The olympics 2012!

As you are  awere that the olympics are happening in the captital of the U.K London and will be very exiting to see who willl win 2012 olympic games and get a gold medal or silver or bronze medal.The olympics are happening on the 24th of July 2012 shortly followling after the paralympics that will be happening on the 14th of august wowo! The mascots are wenlock and mandivill!

year 6 SAT's results

Today, Monday 16th July , the year 6 pupils are getting their results for their SAT's. Everybody in year 6 are very excited, a little nervous and hope they get a good result.  However, what ever we get we know we couldnt have put any more effort into it!


As we leave year 6 I would like to say goodbye to all of our teachers especially Miss. Gohery.  Thankyou for helping us with blog and thankyou to all our readers. We appreciate your support.

Grace and Monika

Mrs Bingham in Berlin

Mrs Bingham recently went to Germany with 11 other Modern Foreign Language teachers, after receiving a CONGRATULATIONS LETTER from Comenius, who promote languages. However, before she was informed she had to apply and say how it would benefit the school kids. "It was a VERY long application form" She said, when interviewed by Eloise, Tino and Monika, 6SR.
What happened when you got there?
"We had a group meeting immediately and we had some traditional German dinner which was white asparagus, potatoes, and schnitzel"

Did you stay at a hotel or where you provided with living accomodation?
" No, I did'nt stay at a hotel but I did stay with this lovely German family. And basically try speak german for the whole night- which was a bit of a challenge, but like I say they were lovely."

What did you do on your second day?
"We went on a bycicle tour to see sites related to the Second World World War. By touring the city, we learned about Germany and  I made amazing friends."

What was the school like?
They were really understanding of the english language, so i had to speak very little german. I brought with me some uniform for them to try on. They thought it was very funny"

Did you enjoy it?

"yes. it was the best expirence ever"

Eloise, Monika, Tino

New Year 3s

As you know it is coming to the end of the school year.There will be new year 3's coming up to the big junior school. This is a big step to the year three's as their daily routines and timetables will changed. Sadly there teachers do not get to hop on the ride to the Juniors.For the kids fortunate to come to the Juniors we wish them good luck and remember that its going to be hard work.We look forward to meeting them.
Ruby and Michelle


As a  year 6 pupil, I have enjoyed being   a member  of blog club. It has been fun coming week after week . Blog for me has not just given better computer skills but made me feel special as I have been part of  a group. Thankyou miss Gohery!!!!

Mia 6SR

Year 6 leaving

Year 6 are sadly having to leave St Joseph's to make their new start at their chosen high school. They have been learning so much in the past four years in St Joseph's but also very relieved to be having a fresh start. We have interviewed a year six student, Aoife :
How does it feel to leave such a great school?
"It's heart-breaking because I'm leaving such inspirational teachers and friends"
Do you think you might make some new friends or stick with old ones?
" Old ones because I know them too well to leave them behind."
Are you going to make any new changes in high school?
"My behavior because I had my moments"
Do you think you are prepared for high school?
"No because there might be some scary kids there."
Goodbye blog club.

Isabelle and Aoife

Friday, 13 July 2012

Building Project

A few days ago builders came and started work on Mrs Lee's office, extending that office so  Mrs. Murphy(deputy head) will be taking over half of the existing one.  Between the offices there will be a wall.  The project is not finished though when it is I'm sure it will look better.

by Michelle 5PC

End of year mass.

There is an end of year mass on next Thursday the 19th and this time year 3 and 4 choir will be sitting at the front. On Thursday there will be many emotions as we say goodbye to the year 6 pupils and Mrs Brook along with Miss Donaldson and Miss Gilks. As the year has passed there have been many memories with everybody and the year six pupils will be very sad to leave.

Sinead And Kelsi 4JD.

Outstanding olympia

On Wednesday 11th July yr 6 and the senior choir performed  in the Year 6 production,Olympia. They chose Olympia to link in with the 2012 Olympics which are in London this year. There were lots of songs as well as dancing in the production. Grace in 6MG, who played Hippodamia, lost her voice but still put on a very good performance.  The production showed many of Year 6 aren't just pretty faces! Congratulations to everyone involved!  Well done to everybody who won a prize in the raffle.
Chloe 5MD


On Wednesday 11th of July some Year 5 students made their way to Cardinal Newman to enjoy a day full of science. The children made a unique candles after dipping them into boiling food colouring the colours were red, yellow and blue. But you could make the secondary colours. (purple, green and orange) The children all came back with big smiles on their faces and would happily go again next year!!!!
 Rhianna 5MD

Four Days Til' Summer Holidays!

There are now only four days until the end of the school year. Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to our school's year 6s. The year sixes now have a big step to go into their high schools. Sadly some of the children are not going to the same schools as their friends and have to settle in and make new ones. We hope for the best of the children as they grow up and move on.
Ruby 5PC

Monday, 9 July 2012

The Leavers Disco

The invitations to the Year Six Leavers' disco were sent out on the 4 July and everyone received their invites through the post. All the Year Six pupils are very excited about this fabulous event. It will be very hard to decide what each and everyone of them will be wearing. On Wednesday 17 July, the hall will be filled with Year Six party animals. It's guaranteed to be the best night of the school year but don't stay up too late! Kelsi

luton torch

Luton gazed upon the torch as it passed their eyes, unfortunately they were not allowed to
touch it. Looking at it they took a step back into time and looked how its changed over the years. Michelle.G 5PC

Bye-Bye Miss.Donaldson and Mrs.Brook

After two years of teaching in St.Josephs Miss Donaldson is going to leave us and go to Northern Ireland because she said she misses all her family and friends. "I'm hoping to get another teaching job in Ireland," Miss.Donaldson said. That's not all who's leaving, Mrs.Brook after many years of teaching is going to retire and everyone is going to miss her and she's going to miss her new friends staff and pupils. Both teachers are going to stay until the end of the year and they're hopefully going to visit us some day, they need to pack their bags and get ready. HAPPY TRAVELLING !

The Luton carnival!

On the the 8th of July, Luton had the Olympic Torch and the carnival wowo! The carnival was not at the normal time because of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations this year, so the carnival was moved to the weekend when the Olympic Torch went through the town. Unfortunately, the weather was not great because it rained but cleared a little. There was a lot of stands to buy food, wands and drinks, and lots of entertainment - magic tricks, music, funfair etc. A memorable celebration.  

Erin McCann


On July 5th all the new class teachers were announced! With teachers leaving and new ones coming 2012/13 will be a great year in St Joseph's. When the Year 3s-to-be came over to visit, they were terrified by all the older children. While the year 2s looked around, the year 3s were down on the field. YEAR 3 Mr Connolly Miss Gohery Miss Fahy Mrs Strickland/Mrs Cladd YEAR 4 Miss Campbell Mrs Cross Miss Burns
Mrs Porter AKA Miss Vizard Year 5 Miss Binnington Mrs Gillespie Miss O'Leary Miss Barren Year 6 Mr Rigby/Mrs Massey Miss Ruane Miss Gearty Miss Crummey and... Last of all goodbye to Mrs Brook and Miss Donaldson!!! We'll miss you By Rhianna

Irish music

Some of the children in St.Joseph's went to the All-Britain Fleadh. It was held in Leicester University . Fortunately, some  came back with medals and trophies. Congratulations to Callam, Sinead and Keelen. Callam got 1st place in his mandolin competition and 2nd in his banjo and bodhan. Sinead got 3rd in her button accordian and Keelan got 3rd in the mandolin. Everybody did so well and we are very proud of them.  
Sinead 4JD!

Work experience

Pupils from Cardinal Newman High school took two weeks from learning to take time to visit St. Josephs Junior school to see what it is like to be a teacher. During the day, they watch the daily routines of the teachers and children. Hopefully they have bright futures as teachers or teaching assistants.

Ruby 5PC

The school fete

On Sunday the 24th of June, the annual school fete was held on the Junior School field. The best thing for most people was the rock climbing  and entertainment, and of course the food. The entertainment was amazing, especially the Irish dancing there legs was as high as the sky. The choices of the food was amazing - BBQ, popcorn and candyfloss, though the machine broke, thankfully not until the end of the fete. The rock climbing wall was hard and tall, not too tall, but tall for us. The magician and bouncy castle were in the hall and that was fun. The magician was the main thing at the fete, but you had to get tickets for it.That was the school fete. We just have to wait until next year now. Thank you to all the Friends and staff who worked so hard to organise it! It was a fabulous day!

Donna Fraser

Monday 2nd July was a big day for the school because Donna Fraser(olympic runner)came in and told us about her life and how she stated her career.The school were amazed to hear and learn how she accomplished her dreams. Thanks to her sister, she managed to persuade her mum and dad to allow her to join an athletics club as a child. Now she goes round schools and tells the students about her life being an Olympic runner. She does it because she wants to inspire others.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Polish dancing

On Tuesday the 3rd of July we had a polish dancing show, where some pupils of the school and a special guest from the infants put on a fantastic show for the school to enjoy!They made a wonderful peformance and amazed the whole audience with some amazing Polish dancing!They each had their own outfit and partnered up and we all had a magnificent time. Jasmine and Amelia 4JD

Fairtrade Trade tuck shop

A couple of weeks ago, we had our first fairtrade tuck shop. It was a great experience for all the fairtrade representitives and we hope to have another tuck shop soon. The year 6 and 5 children decorated the family room with balloons,flags and leaflets. All the children who were selling wore t-shirts to catch attention. We are aiming to become a fair trade school, ensuring as many of the products we buy and use in school as possible are Fair trade, so we are doing our bit to support this campaign. Are you a fair trade supporter?

The year 6 fundraising

The Year Six children have started to plan out their annual fundraiser for Friday 13 June. This year the theme is The Olympics. All the year sixes are preparing a fun packed afternoon with activities such as face painting,cookie decorating,fruit smoothies,fruit kebabs,football table,mini air hockey,quizzes and much much more. kelsi

Knebworth House

On the 27th of June all of the Year 5 classes took a step back in time to Knebworth House! During the trip they took part in different activities to do with the tudors such as trying to write like a tudor and smelling and collecting samples of herbs in the herb garden. All the classes took a tour around the inside of the house and into the guest bedrooms and art gallery. The also tried on some tudor clothes and managed to work out what tudor monarchs and peasants ate during a banquet and regular meal.

Ruby 5PC

Year 4 science day.

On the second of July, Year 4 had a very interesting science day. First, year 4 learnt all about habitats and what animals lived in them. Next, everyone made their own animal and wrote what they did and where they lived. Year 4 made a balloon rockets and sent them across the room on a piece of string. In the afternoon everyone made toy cars and when everyone finished they added carbon dioxide to power it. Year 4 raced with the cars and every boy was against a girl and most of the girls won with a special method. Overall, it was a lovely day and we learnt so much more than we knew before.

Nicole 4JD